Integration with Chewie-NS

We prepared a chewie-NS tutorial instance that provides a sandbox-style environment where anyone can test functionalities. This tutorial instance enables testing with simple cases that were specially designed to demonstrate how users can leverage the chewBBACA modules specifically designed to interact with chewie-NS to download, upload and synchronize schemas. The tutorial also provides clues for the exploration of data uploaded to the chewie-NS tutorial instance in its website and a better understanding of how it is possible to interact with the API.


This tutorial includes sample commands that you’ll have to run to upload, download and synchronize schemas. To connect to the correct chewie-NS instance, you should always check if the sample commands include --ns tutorial at the end and also include that parameter at the end of your commands. If you do not do this, the processes will try to connect to the main chewie-NS instance (it may download data if the identifiers you have chosen match any record but will not upload any data to the main instance).

The tutorial is divided into 9 steps:

  • Getting started - tutorial datasets: brief description of the general structure of the tutorial datasets that are available.

  • chewBBACA installation: links to external resources that explain how to install the chewBBACA suite and its dependencies.

  • Uploading the tutorial schema: example on how to upload a tutorial schema to the chewie-NS tutorial instance.

  • Downloading the schema: download the schema uploaded to the chewie-NS tutorial instance in the previous step.

  • Local analysis - subset1: perform allele call to populate the downloaded schema with new alleles.

  • Schema synchronization: submit novel alleles that were identified in the local analysis to chewie-NS to update the remote schema.

  • Getting schema snapshot: download the uploaded schema in a state prior to the synchronization process.

  • Local analysis - subset2: perform allele call with the second set of genomes.

  • Schema synchronization - conflicting identifiers: synchronize local schema and remote schema to reassign local allele identifiers that are conflicting with identifiers in chewie-NS and submit novel alleles inferred from the second subset of genomes.

Getting started - tutorial datasets

You can start by downloading any of the archives with tutorial datasets that are available at the chewie-NS tutorial GitHub repository.

Currently, there are datasets for the following species:

In this tutorial we will provide step-by-step instructions that use the Streptococcus agalactiae tutorial dataset, but the procedure is valid for any dataset that we make available.

You will have to extract the contents in the archive. Tutorial datasets have the following directory structure

├── sagalactiae_genomes
│   ├── subset1
│   │   └── ...
│   └── subset2
│       └── ...
├── sagalactiae_schema
│   ├── short
│   │   ├── sagalactiae_protein1_short.fasta
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── sagalactiae_protein10_short.fasta
│   ├── sagalactiae_protein1.fasta
│   ├── ...
│   ├── sagalactiae_protein10.fasta
│   └── Streptococcus_agalactiae.trn
├── sagalactiae_annotations.tsv

The subset1 and subset2 directories inside the sagalactiae_genomes directory contain two sets of genomes that will be used at different steps of the tutorial.

The sagalactiae_schema directory contains a schema with 10 loci. The short directory contained in the schema’s directory has the set of FASTA files with representative sequences for each locus in the schema. The Streptococcus_agalactiae.trn file is the Prodigal training file used to predict coding sequences from input genomes.

The sagalactiae_annotations.tsv file contains User and Custom annotations for the loci in the schema and the file is a sample description for the schema. The Custom annotation field in the annotations file and the description file support markdown syntax. You may change the contents of the files before uploading the schema if you wish.


The sample commands provided in this tutorial include relative paths that assume that the working directory is the root of the tutorial directory (the topmost level in the directory structure of the tutorial dataset, sagalactiae_tutorial). It is strongly advised that you run the commands from that directory to ensure that you can use the commands exactly as provided and obtain the same results.

chewBBACA installation

By taking advantage of chewie-NS’ API, chewBBACA is capable of handling not only the schema creation, but also its upload, synchronization and download. The set of modules to interact with chewie-NS included in chewBBACA provide a simple and automatic solution for the main tasks that users will want to perform.

You can install chewBBACA through conda or pip. chewBBACA has dependencies that will not be included if you install it through pip. If you install through pip you need to ensure that you have Prodigal and BLAST installed and added to PATH. Please visit Installation for detailed instructions on how to install chewBBACA.

Uploading the tutorial schema

To upload schemas to the main instance of chewie-NS it is necessary to have Contributor privileges, but in the chewie-NS tutorial instance schema upload is available to anyone that wishes to test it. Before uploading the schema please visit the LoadSchema documentation page to learn more about the whole process.


The name attributed to the schema needs to be unique. You will not be able to upload a new schema if the schema’s name has already been attributed to a schema that is available in chewie-NS.

To upload the schema included in the Streptococcus agalactiae dataset, you can run the following command (do not forget to set you working directory to the topmost level of the directory structure of the tutorial dataset and to include --ns tutorial at the end):

$ LoadSchema -i sagalactiae_schema/ -sp 1 -sn tut -lp tut --df --a sagalactiae_annotations.tsv --ns tutorial

  chewBBACA - LoadSchema

-- User Permissions --
User id:
User role:
Authorized: True

-- Parameters Validation --
Local schema: sagalactiae_schema
Schema's species: Streptococcus agalactiae (id=1)  ------> Species ID <------
Number of loci: 10
Number of alleles: 10

Verifying schema configs...
  bsr: 0.6
  translation_table: 11
  minimum_locus_length: 201
  chewBBACA_version: 2.5.0
  size_threshold: 0.2
  word_size: None
  cluster_sim: None
  representative_filter: None
  intraCluster_filter: None
All configurations successfully validated.

New schema name: "tut"
Schema description:

-- Schema Pre-processing --
Determining data to upload...
  Loci to create and associate with species and schema: 10
  Loci without the full set of alleles: 10

Translating sequences based on schema configs...
  Found a total of 0 invalid alleles.

Loci missing UniProt annotation: 10
Creating SPARQL queries to search UniProt for annotations...
Searching for annotations on UniProt...
Searched annotations for 10/10 loci
User provided valid annotations for 10 loci.

-- Schema Upload --
Created schema with name tut (id=1).  ------> Schema ID <------

Loci data:
  Collecting loci data...
  Sending data to the NS...
    Inserted 10 loci; Linked 10 to species; Linked 10 to schema.
  The NS completed the insertion of 10 loci.

Alleles data:
  Collecting alleles data...
  Compressing files with alleles data...
  Sending alleles data to the NS...
    Sent data for alleles of 10 loci.

Uploading Prodigal training file...
Provided training file is already in the NS.

The NS has received the data and will insert the alleles into the database.
Schema will be available for download as soon as the process has completed.
Schema information will also be available on the NS website.

Removing intermediate files...

We have included the command and the information that the process prints to the standard output. It is important to know the unique identifier that chewie-NS attributed to the schema you have uploaded (the lines with the schema and species identifiers are highlighted in the standard output). When the LoadSchema process finishes, chewie-NS will insert the data that was sent into its database and unlock the schema to make it available for download. You can find the schema you have uploaded listed in the Schemas Overview page for the species (Schemas Overview page for *Streptococcus agalactiae*).


Schemas that are uploaded to the chewie-NS tutorial instance are deleted after 48h.

Downloading the schema

In order to use a schema you have uploaded to chewie-NS, you will have to download it.

To know more about the DownloadSchema process, please visit the DownloadSchema page in the documentation.

To download the schema you have uploaded, please run the following command:


Substitute the species and schema ID values, -sp and -sc, by the values that serve to identify the schema you have uploaded.

$ DownloadSchema -sp 1 -sc 1 -o sagalactiae_ns --ns tutorial

  chewBBACA - DownloadSchema

Schema id: 1
Schema name: tut
Schema's species: Streptococcus agalactiae (id=1)

Downloading compressed version...
Decompressing schema...
Schema is now available at: sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut

The process will download a ready-to-use schema to the output directory you have specified. The loci and alleles included in the schema are the same that were in the original schema, but chewie-NS has attributed new identifiers that will help to unmistakably identify those loci and alleles and facilitate results comparison for anyone that is using the same schema.

Local analysis - subset1

You can use the schema you have downloaded to perform allele call and determine the allelic profiles of a set of genomes. Allele calling is performed locally and privately, without the need to provide any data or private information. You can learn more about the AlleleCall process in its page.

If you open any FASTA file in the schema that you have downloaded, you will find sequences that have the following header structure:

$ cat tut-00000001.fasta


Headers start with the loci prefix (tut) followed by the loci integer identifier (00000001) and end with the allele identifier (1).

To perform allele call and determine the allelic profiles of the genomes in the subset1, run the following command:

$ AlleleCall -i sagalactiae_genomes/subset1/ -g sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/ -o subset1_results

  chewBBACA - AlleleCall

 Configuration values
Minimum sequence length: 201
Size threshold: 0.2
Translation table: 11
BLAST Score Ratio: 0.6
Word size: 5
Window size: 5
Clustering similarity: 0.2
Prodigal training file: Streptococcus_agalactiae.trn
CPU cores: 1
BLAST path: /home/user/envs/chewie333/bin
CDS input: False
Prodigal mode: single
Mode: 4
Number of inputs: 12
Number of loci: 10
Intermediate files will be stored in subset1_results/temp

 Pre-computed data
Determining allele size mode for all loci...
Loci allele size mode values stored in sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/loci_modes
Could not find pre-computed hash tables used for exact matching.
Creating hash tables...
Hash tables stored in sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/pre_computed

 CDS prediction
Predicting CDSs for 12 inputs...
[====================] 100%
Extracted a total of 24282 CDSs from 12 inputs.

 CDS deduplication
Identifying distinct CDSs...
Identified 14751 distinct CDSs.

 CDS exact matching
Searching for CDS exact matches...
Found 2 exact matches (2 distinct schema alleles).
Unclassified CDSs: 14749

 CDS translation
Translating 14749 CDSs...
[====================] 100%
428 CDSs could not be translated.
Unclassified CDSs: 14321

 Protein deduplication
Identifying distinct proteins...
Identified 11319 distinct proteins.

 Protein exact matching
Searching for Protein exact matches...
Found 1 exact matches (2 distinct CDSs, 2 total CDSs).
Unclassified proteins: 11318

 Protein clustering
Translating schema representative alleles...
Determining BLASTp self-score for each representative...
Representative BLASTp self-scores stored in sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/short/self_scores
Creating minimizer index for representative alleles...
Created index with 2400 distinct minimizers for 10 loci.
Clustering proteins...
[====================] 100%
Clustered 58 proteins into 7 clusters.
11260 proteins were not added to any cluster.
Aligning cluster representatives against clustered proteins...
[====================] 100%
Classifying high-scoring matches...
[====================] 100%
Classified 40 distinct proteins.
Unclassified proteins: 11278

 Representative determination
Aligning representative alleles against unclassified proteins...
 Iteration    Loci     High-Scoring   Classified   Selected   Unclassified
     1         10           1             3           1          11275
     2          1           1             1           0          11274

 Wrapping up
Creating file with genome coordinates profiles (results_contigsInfo.tsv)...
Identifying paralogous loci and creating files with the list of paralogous loci (paralogous_counts.tsv & paralogous_loci.tsv)...
Identified 0 paralogous loci.
Assigning allele identifiers to inferred alleles...
Assigned identifiers to 47 new alleles for 7 loci.
Getting original sequence identifiers for new alleles...
Getting data for new representative alleles...
Adding the BLASTp self-score for the new representatives to sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/short/self_scores
Creating FASTA files with the new alleles...
Adding new alleles to schema...
Updating allele size mode values stored in sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/loci_modes
Updating pre-computed hash tables in sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/pre_computed
Creating file with the allelic profiles (results_alleles.tsv)...
Creating file with class counts per input (results_statistics.tsv)...
Creating file with class counts per locus (loci_summary_stats.tsv)...
Creating file with the coordinates of CDSs identified in inputs (cds_coordinates.tsv)...
Creating file with invalid CDSs (invalid_cds.txt)...
Counting number of classified CDSs...
Classified a total of 67 CDSs.
  EXC      INF     PLOT3    PLOT5    LOTSC     NIPH    NIPHEM    ALM      ASM      PAMA
  17       47       0        0        0        0        0        0        3        0
Added 47 new alleles to the schema.
Added 1 new representative alleles to the schema.
Removing temporary directory with intermediate files...
Creating log file (logging_info.txt)...

Results available in subset1_results

The AlleleCall process will print the total number of classified CDSs per classification category to the standard output. You can see a detailed description of each category but for the purpose of this tutorial, the INF cases are the most relevant. The alleles that received this classification correspond to new alleles that have been inferred during the process and were added to the schema FASTA files. If we inspect the same file that we looked into before the allele calling, you will notice that new alleles have been added to that file.

$ cat tut-00000001.fasta


New alleles added to loci files that belong to a schema that was downloaded from chewie-NS will include a * before the allele number in the end of the sequence identifier (e.g.: *4). The * serves to indicate that the alleles were identified locally and that it has not been verified if those alleles exist in chewie-NS and, if they exist, what was the identifier that chewie-NS attributed.

Schema synchronization

To verify if newly identified alleles exist in chewie-NS, and submit those alleles if they are not in chewie-NS, we will need to run the SyncSchema process. This process will retrieve alleles added to the remote schema in chewie-NS since the last time we synchronized the local and remote schemas and offer the option to submit novel alleles that have been identified in local analyses and are not in chewie-NS. To learn more about the SyncSchema process, please visit the SyncSchema page.

Running the SyncSchema process is fairly simple. To retrieve new alleles added to the remote schema since the last synchronization process, we only need to provide the path to the directory with the schema files. We also want to submit any novel alleles that our local schema might have, so we include the --submit argument (there is no need to include --ns tutorial because the SyncSchema process automatically detects what is the chewie-NS instance the schema was downloaded from).

$ SyncSchema -sc sagalactiae_ns/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/ --submit

  chewBBACA - SyncSchema

Schema id: 1
Schema name: tut
Schema's species: Streptococcus agalactiae (id=1)
Last synced: 2020-08-07T22:46:52.406869

Remote schema was last modified on: 2020-08-07T22:46:52.406869

Retrieving alleles added to remote schema after 2020-08-07T22:46:52.406869...
Retrieved 0 alleles for 0 loci.
Local schema has 47 novel alleles for 7 loci.
Collecting data and creating files to submit local alleles...
Sending and inserting new alleles...
    Sent data for alleles of 7/7 loci.
    Inserted 47 alleles.
The Chewie-NS inserted 47 new alleles and detected 0 repeated alleles.
Number of loci to adapt: 7

Determining the total number of alleles and allele mean length per gene...

Adapting 7 loci...

[==========] 100%

Number of invalid loci: 0
Number of invalid alleles: 0

Successfully adapted 7/7 loci present in the input schema.
Received 0 new alleles for 7 loci and sent 47 for 7 loci.

Since the schema has not been modified since the upload date, the synchronization process will not retrieve alleles from chewie-NS. Our local schema includes alleles that are not in chewie-NS and the synchronization process will send those alleles to chewie-NS, waiting for the insertion process to finish and return the set of identifiers that were attributed to the novel alleles. The SyncSchema process will reassign allele identifiers to local alleles based on the identifiers attributed by chewie-NS and re-determine representative sequences for the loci that were altered. The schema had not been altered since its upload and chewie-NS attributed the same allele identifiers that were already being used in the local schema. Thus, the sequence headers will be shortened and the synchronization process will simply remove the * from the headers. The file structure will be changed to the following:

$ cat tut-00000001.fasta

>tut-00000001_2 <----- *2
>tut-00000001_3 <----- *3
>tut-00000001_4 <----- *4
>tut-00000001_5 <----- *5
>tut-00000001_6 <----- *6
>tut-00000001_7 <----- *7
>tut-00000001_8 <----- *8
>tut-00000001_9 <----- *9

We have included the mapping between the new identifiers and the old identifiers with * to highlight allele identifiers reassignments, e.g.: >tut-00000001_2 <----- *2. This mapping serves to clearly indicate the changes made by the SyncShcema process during this tutorial and is not added to the FASTA files.

Getting schema snapshot

To demonstrate a synchronization process that will need to perform more complicated reassignments to ensure that local and remote schemas share the same identifiers, we will start by using a feature that allows users to download a snapshot of any schema. Quickly consult the Schemas Overview table and copy the Last Change Date of the schema that you have uploaded. We will subtract 2 minutes from that date and slightly modify the date format so that it matches the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss format (if the Last Change Date is 2020-08-07T22:49:52, the date that you should include in the command is 2020-08-07T22:47:52 as indicated in the example shown).


Substitute the data and time below with the time you have calculated, do NOT simply copy the command!

A sample command would be:

$ DownloadSchema -sp 1 -sc 1 -o sagalactiae_snapshot --ns tutorial --d "2020-08-07T22:47:52"

  chewBBACA - DownloadSchema

Schema id: 1
Schema name: tut
Schema's species: Streptococcus agalactiae (id=1)

Downloading schema FASTA files...
Number of loci to download: 10
Downloading schema files...
Downloaded: 10/10
Downloaded and wrote FASTA files for 10/10 loci
Failed download for 0 loci.

Number of loci to adapt: 10

Determining the total number of alleles and allele mean length per gene...

Adapting 10 loci...

[==========] 100%

Number of invalid loci: 0
Number of invalid alleles: 0

Successfully adapted 10/10 loci present in the input schema.
Schema is now available at: sagalactiae_snapshot/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut

This will download all FASTA files for all loci in the schema and construct the schema locally. Since we have requested for the schema in a state prior to its Last Change Date, we will retrieve a schema that does not include all alleles in the latest version of the remote schema and is outdated.

Local analysis - subset2

We will perform allele call with the genomes in subset2 to demonstrate how the SyncSchema process would behave if the remote schema had already been modified by another user and the sequences and allele identifiers in our local schema and in the remote schema did not fully match.

$ AlleleCall -i sagalactiae_genomes/subset2/ -g sagalactiae_snapshot/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/ -o subset2_results


Classified a total of 75 CDSs.
  EXC      INF     PLOT3    PLOT5    LOTSC     NIPH    NIPHEM    ALM      ASM      PAMA
  25       49       0        0        0        0        0        0        1        0
Added 49 new alleles to the schema.
Added 1 new representative alleles to the schema.


Once again, we verify that the AlleleCall process inferred some alleles during its execution and that those alleles have been added to the local schema. Since we have used a different set of genomes we do not know if the set of alleles that were added to the schema are in the remote schema, nor if the alleles that are common to both schemas have been attributed the same identifiers (in this case they have not and it is very unlikely that different sets of genomes will lead to the same results and schema modifications).

Schema synchronization - conflicting identifiers

In the final step we will synchronize our schema with the remote schema. This process will retrieve alleles that are in the remote schema and add them to our schema with the identifier they have in chewie-NS. The alleles that are not in chewie-NS will be shifted to the end of the FASTA files and assigned sequential identifiers with * at the end and in the same order as they were added to the schema. This ensures that there are no conflicts between remote and strictly local identifiers. Local alleles with * in their identifiers will be sent to chewie-NS and inserted into the schema’s database. The SyncSchema process wil receive the identifiers attributed by chewie-NS and assign them to the local sequences that still had no global identifier, ensuring that all alleles have the correct identifier and that there is a common and global nomenclature.

To perform this last synchronization, execute:

$ SyncSchema -sc sagalactiae_snapshot/Streptococcus_agalactiae_tut/ --submit


Received 47 new alleles for 7 loci and sent 33 for 7 loci.


The synchronization process will retrieve 47 alleles that were inferred from subset1 and send 33 local alleles that were inferred from subset2. Identifier reassignmnent results in the following file structure:

$ cat tut-00000001.fasta

>tut-00000001_2 <----- *7
>tut-00000001_3 <----- *5
>tut-00000001_5 <----- *9
>tut-00000001_6 <----- *8
>tut-00000001_8 <----- *6
>tut-00000001_10 <----- *2
>tut-00000001_11 <----- *3
>tut-00000001_12 <----- *4

Reading the documentation and completing the tutorial should provide a good overview of how chewie-NS works and how you can interact with it through the chewBBACA suite. You can head to chewie-NS’ main instance website to explore available schema data for several species and download data through the website or using the chewBBACA modules that were used in the tutorial. Schema upload and allele submission during synchronization in chewie-NS’ main instance are only possible to authorized users. If you want to submit data or provide any type of feedback, please contact us through