SchemaEvaluator - Build an interactive report for schema evaluation

The SchemaEvaluator module allows users to generate an interactive HTML report to better explore the structure and evaluate typing schemas. The report includes data tables and charts with detailed information about the allele size variation and allele integrity for each locus in the schema. The module can be used to analyse schemas created with chewBBACA and external schemas from platforms such as Ridom cgMLST, BIGSdb, BIGSdb-Pasteur and Enterobase.

Basic Usage SchemaEvaluator -g /path/to/SchemaFolder -o /path/to/OutputFolder --cpu 4 --loci-reports


-g, --schema-directory      (Required) Path to the schema's directory.

-o, --output-directory      (Required) Path to the output directory where the report HTML
                            files will be created.

--gl, --genes-list          (Optional) Path to a file with the list of loci in the schema that
                            the process should analyse (one per line, full paths or loci IDs)
                            (default: False).

-a, --annotations           (Optional) Path to the TSV file created by the UniprotFinder module.
                            The annotation data is included in a table component (default: None).

--ta, --translation-table   (Optional) Genetic code used to translate coding sequences (CDSs) (default: None).

--st, --size-threshold      (Optional) Coding sequence (CDS) size variation threshold. The module
                            identifies the alleles with size that deviates from the locus length
                            mode +- the size threshold (default: None).

--ml, --minimum-length      (Optional) Minimum sequence length value. The module identifies alleles
                            shorter than this value (default: None).

--cpu, --cpu-cores          (Optional) Number of CPU cores/threads that will be used to run the
                            process (chewie resets to a lower value if it is equal to or
                            exceeds the total number of available CPU cores/threads) (default: 1).

--loci-reports              (Optional) Create a detailed report page for each locus. The locus report
                            includes components with relevant data and analysis results, such as allele
                            diversity charts, a MSA for the alignment of the distinct translated alleles
                            and a tree drawn with Phylocanvas based on the MAFFT guide tree (default: False).

--light                     (Optional) Skips MSA computation with MAFFT and does not add the Phylogenetic Tree
                            and MSA components to the loci reports (default: False).

--add-sequences             (Optional) Adds Code Editor components with the DNA and Protein sequences to
                            loci reports. The Code Editor is in readonly mode (allows to search
                            for and copy text) (default: False).


├── loci_reports
│   ├── locus1.html
│   ├── ...
│   ├── locusN.html
│   └── loci_bundle.js
├── schema_report.html
└── schema_bundle.js
  • A HTML report, schema_report.html, that contains the following components:

    • A table with summary data about the schema.

    • A tab panel with charts for the distribution of the number of alleles and allele size per locus.

    • If a TSV file with annotations is provided to the --annotations parameter, the schema report will also include a table with the provided annotations. Otherwise, it will display a warning informing that no annotations were provided.

    • A table with the results of the allele integrity and diversity analysis per locus.

  • A HTML report per locus that contains the following components:

    • A table with summary data about the locus.

    • A table with the locus annotations, if the user provided annotations for the locus. Otherwise, it will display a warning informing that no annotations were provided.

    • A tab panel with charts for the locus allele diversity.

    • A table with the total number and list of alleles that encode each distinct protein.

    • A table with the list of alleles that are not complete coding sequences and/or that are considered size outliers based on the minimum length and size threshold values used for schema evaluation.

    • A MSA component with the alignment for the distinct proteins.

    • A tree drawn with Phylocanvas based on the guide tree created by MAFFT.

    • If the --add-sequences parameter is provided, the locus report will also include a code editor with the allele DNA sequences and a code editor with the distinct protein sequences.

  • Two JavaScript bundle files. The schema_bundle.js file is used by the schema report, and the loci_bundle.js file, located inside the loci_reports folder, is used by the loci reports.


You need to provide the --loci-reports parameter if you want a detailed report per locus. Running the SchemaEvaluator module with its default parameter values will only generate the Schema Report.


The JS bundles are necessary to visualize the HTML reports. Do not delete these files. You should not move or delete any of the files in the output folder.


If you want to share the report, simply compress the output folder and share the compressed archive. The receiver can simply uncompress the archive and open the HTML files with a browser to visualize the report.


Several report components only display the allele integer identifiers (the integer after the _ in the sequence headers, e.g.: 17 is the allele integer identifier in YPO1106_17). This integer value is enough to identify each allele and also simplifies data display because it is short.

Schema Report Components

The first component gives a small introduction that details the type of information contained in each component of the schema report.


The two alerts on top of the expandable component provide information about the parameter values used to create and evaluate the schema, respectively. The SchemaEvaluator can only determine the parameter values used for schema creation if the schema was created with chewBBACA.

Schema Summary Data

The second component is a table with summary statistics about the schema, such as:

  • Loci: Total number of loci that were evaluated.

  • Alleles: Total number of alleles.

  • Valid Alleles: Total number of valid alleles. An allele is considered valid if its sequence size is a multiple of 3, if it has a single start and stop codon, if has no in-frame stop codons, and if it contains no ambiguous bases.

  • Invalid Alleles: Total number of invalid alleles. The value in this column is the sum of the values in the Incomplete ORF, Ambiguous Bases, Missing Start/Stop Codon and In-frame Stop Codon columns.

  • Incomplete ORF: Total number of incomplete alleles (sequence size not multiple of 3).

  • Ambiguous Bases: Total number of alleles that contain ambiguous bases (non-ACTG characters).

  • Missing Start/Stop Codon: Total number of alleles missing the Start and/or Stop codons.

  • In-frame Stop Codon: Total number of alleles with in-frame stop codons.

  • Alleles <bp: Total number of alleles shorter than --ml, the minimum sequence length value used for schema evaluation (in number of nucleotides).

  • Alleles below threshold: Total number of alleles below the locus sequence size bot threshold. This threshold identifies alleles with a sequence size that is -20% of the allele size mode.

  • Alleles above threshold: Total number of alleles above the locus sequence size top threshold. This threshold identifies alleles with a sequence size that is +20% of the allele size mode.


Loci Statistics

The third component contains 4 panels with charts displaying relevant information about the distribution of the number of alleles and allele size variation per evaluated locus.

  • Panel A, Total Alleles, displays the distribution of loci by number of alleles.

  • Panel B, Allele Mode Size, displays the distribution of loci by allele mode size.

  • Panel C, Locus Statistics, displays a scatter chart with points for the minimum allele size (blue), maximum allele size (orange) and median allele size (green) per locus.

  • Panel D, Allele Size Variation, displays box plots for the locus size distribution. The range slider beneath the xaxis line can be used to redefine the boxplots that are visible in the plot area.



If you have provided the --loci-reports parameter, the points in Panel C and the boxplots in Panel D are clickable and will open the detailed report of the selected locus.

Loci annotations

If a TSV file with loci annotations is provided, the fourth component of the schema report is a table with the list of annotations. Otherwise, it will display a warning informing that no annotations were provided.


If you have provided the --loci-reports parameter, the loci identifiers in the first column will link to the loci report pages. If a column name includes URL, the SchemaEvaluator module assumes that the values in that column are URLs and creates links to the web pages.


The first column in the TSV file with annotations must be named Locus and contain the identifiers of the loci (the basename of the locus FASTA file without the .fasta extension).

You can use the UniprotFinder module to annotate the loci in a schema created with chewBBACA. If you want to annotate an external schema, you can adapt it with the PrepExternalSchema module followed by annotation with the UniprotFinder module.

Allele Analysis

The final component of the schema report presents a table with the results of the allele integrity and diversity analysis per locus. The table includes values per locus for most column categories in the Schema Summary Data table. It also includes the following additional columns:

  • Proportion of Validated Alleles: the proportion of the total alleles in the locus FASTA file that were considered valid.

  • Distinct Protein Alleles: the number of distinct protein alleles encoded by all alleles.

  • Missing Allele IDs: the number of allele identifiers that are missing, assuming that allele identifiers in the FASTA file should be sequential.


In order to identify the Missing Allele IDs, the module expects the headers of the input FASTA files to have the locus identifier followed by the allele integer identifier (e.g.: >lmo_1) or simply the allele integer identifier (e.g.: >1).


Locus Report Components

The first component gives a small introduction that details the type of information contained in the locus report.


Locus Summary Data

The second component is a table that includes the values for the locus presented in the Allele Analysis table of the schema report and also includes the following additional values:

  • Size Range (bp): the allele size range (minimum-maximum).

  • Length Median (bp): the allele median size.

  • Length Mode (bp): the allele mode size.


Locus Annotation Data

The third component is a table with the annotations provided for the locus. An alert will be displayed if there are no annotations for the locus.


Locus Size Plots

The fourth component contains 3 panels with charts displaying relevant information about the distribution of allele sizes, the sequence size per allele and the diversity of distinct proteins.

  • Panel A, Allele Size Counts, display a histogram summarizing the size distribution of the alleles (frequency of binned sizes).



The bar corresponding to the allele size mode is colored in green.

  • Panel B, Allele Size, displays a scatter chart representing the size of each allele ordered by allele identifier.



The points corresponding to valid and invalid alleles are colored in blue and grey, respectively.

  • Panel C, Alleles Per Protein, displays a bar chart with the number of distinct alleles that encode each distinct protein.



In Panels A and B, the Show Thresholds switch can be toggled to adjust the axes limits to show the bot and top allele size thresholds (with the default parameter values, the thresholds are defined based on a -/+20% size variation from the allele size mode).

Distinct Protein Alleles

The fifth component presents a table with the list of distinct protein alleles and the list of distinct alleles that encode for each protein allele. The identifiers of the protein alleles are selected based on the first distinct allele that encodes for the protein.


Invalid Alleles and Size Outliers

The sixth component presents a table with the list of alleles that are invalid and/or that are considered size outliers based on the minimum length and size threshold values used for schema evaluation. The Exception Category is defined based on the first exception captured for each allele. The list of all exceptions captured for each allele is displayed in the Exception Description column.


Multiple Sequence Alignment

The seventh component of the locus report presents the protein multiple sequence alignment (MSA) produced by MAFFT (with options --retree 1 and --maxiterate 0). The MSA only includes the distinct proteins encoded by the valid alleles.


Neighbor-Joining Tree

The eighth component displays the guide tree created by MAFFT. The tree visualization is produced using The tree nodes are labeled with the identifiers attributed to the distinct proteins.


DNA sequences and Protein sequences

If the --add-sequences parameter was provided, the report will include two Monaco Code Editor components to display sequences in FASTA format. The DNA sequences component displays all the alleles included in the locus FASTA file. The Protein sequences component displays the protein sequences for all alleles that were considered valid. The code editor is in readonly mode (possible to copy and search but not to edit the contents).

../../_images/loci_reports_dna_editor.png ../../_images/loci_reports_protein_editor.png