LoadSchema - Upload a schema to Chewie-NS

The LoadSchema module enables the upload of schemas to Chewie-NS.


You need to be a registered user in Chewie-NS with Contributor privileges to be able to upload schemas!

If you have registered at the chewie-NS public website and want to contribute new schemas please contact us via e-mail at: imm-bioinfo@medicina.ulisboa.pt

To upload a schema to Chewie-NS it is required to provide:

  • The path to the local schema.

    • The schema must have been created with chewBBACA v2.5.0 or a later version. If your schema was created with an older version, please adapt the schema with the PrepExternalSchema process or run the AlleleCall process to convert the schema to the latest version.


Only schemas that have been used with the same valid value per parameter can be uploaded (this restriction applies to the BLAST Score Ratio, Prodigal training file, minimum sequence length, genetic code and sequence size variation threshold parameters).

Invalid or multiple values used in different AlleleCall runs for a single parameter can lead to inconsistent results; thus, it is strongly advised to always perform allele calling with the same set of parameters and refrain from altering the initial set of parameter values defined in the schema creation or adaptation processes.

  • The species ID or scientific name of the species that the schema will be associated to.

    • There are 3 ways to know the species ID of a species: 1) you can consult the Overview table in the Chewie-NS website; 2) you can use the NSStats process in the chewBBACA suite to directly obtain information about the species and schemas in Chewie-NS or; 3) you can query the /species/list API endpoint through Swagger or a simple curl command (e.g.: curl -X GET "https://chewbbaca.online/NS/api/species/list" -H  "accept: application/json").

    • e.g.: 9 or Escherichia coli.

  • A name for the schema.

    • The name should be short and concise. The name must be unique among the set of names for schemas of the same species (this means that the using the same name of an existing schema will lead to an error) and should not include spaces.

    • e.g.: Project_cgMLST, SRA_wgMLST, Organization_cgMLST .

  • A prefix for the loci identifiers to facilitate the identification of the schema they belong to.

    • You may use the name of the schema as prefix to ensure prefix uniqueness for the loci of a schema.

Users may provide a description about the schema. The file with the description will be sent to the Chewie-NS and displayed in the schema’s page in the Chewie-NS website. Markdown syntax is supported in order to allow greater customizability of the rendered description. For more information on the Markdown specification accepted by Chewie-NS please visit the Github Flavored Markdown Specification page.

Sample description

# Whole-genome MLST schema for *Species name*

This schema was created with [chewBBACA 2.5.0](https://github.com/B-UMMI/chewBBACA).

## Schema creation and validation

A total of 100 *Species name* genomes were used to create this wgMLST schema.
(Add more information that might be relevant to reproduce the process.
For instance the assembly pipeline used or links to relevant external data repositories)

## Dataset

All raw reads from SRA annotated as *Species name* were assembled into 100 genomes.
(Add more information about dataset creation/collection. Include date of data download.
A list of accession numbers or links to relevant external data repositories maybe useful)

## Citations

(Add any relevant citations)

For more information please access [external page](https://external/page)
(If there is any external source with more information, link it here)

The process queries UniProt’s SPARQL endpoint to retrieve annotations for the loci in the schema. The user that uploads the schema can provide a TSV file with annotations for some or all loci in the schema. The file with annotations must have the following structure:

  • First column: locus identifier (name of locus file without .fasta extension).

  • Second column: user annotation (name commonly attributed by the user).

  • Third column: custom annotation (another term that the user might want to attribute).

However, no headers are necessary.



Chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA



DNA primase


RNA-directed DNA polymerase



It is not necessary to provide both annotation types for each locus nor for every locus. If no information is provided N/A will be automatically shown in the locus details page in Chewie-NS.

Basic Usage

To upload a schema for Escherichia coli, we could run one of the following commands:

  • Providing the species ID:

$ chewBBACA.py LoadSchema -i path/to/SchemaFolder -sp 9 -sn cgMLST_95 -lp cgMLST_95
  • Providing the species name:

$ chewBBACA.py LoadSchema -i path/to/SchemaFolder -sp "Escherichia coli" -sn cgMLST_95 -lp cgMLST_95

To upload a schema and provide a description and annotations:

$ chewBBACA.py LoadSchema -i path/to/SchemaFolder -sp 9 -sn cgMLST_95 -lp cgMLST_95 --df description.txt --a annotations.tsv

To continue an upload that was interrupted or that aborted, we should provide the command used in the process that failed and add the --continue_up argument

$ chewBBACA.py LoadSchema -i path/to/SchemaFolder -sp 9 -sn cgMLST_95 -lp cgMLST_95 --continue_up


If you cannot complete schema upload or if the information in the website is incorrect or missing, please contact us via e-mail: imm-bioinfo@medicina.ulisboa.pt


-i, --schema-directory      (Required) Path to the directory of the schema to upload.

-sp, --species-id           (Required) The integer identifier or name of the species that the
                            schema will be associated to in Chewie-NS.

-sn, --schema-name          (Required) A brief and meaningful name that should help understand
                            the type and content of the schema.

-lp, --loci-prefix          (Required) Prefix included in the name of each locus of the schema.

--df, --description-file    (Optional) Path to a text file with a description about the schema.
                            Markdown syntax is supported in order to offer greater customizability
                            of the rendered description in the Frontend. Will default to the schema's
                            name if the user does not provide a valid path for a file (default: None).

--a, --annotations          (Optional) Path to a TSV file with loci annotations. The first column
                            has loci identifiers (w/o .fasta extension), the second has user
                            annotations and the third has custom annotations (default: None).

--cpu, --cpu-cores          (Optional) Number of CPU cores/threads that will be used to run the process
                            (chewie resets to a lower value if it is equal to or exceeds the total
                            number of available CPU cores/threads). This value is used to
                            accelerate the quality control step that validates schema alleles (default: 1).

--ns, --nomenclature-server (Optional) The base URL for the Chewie-NS instance. The default value,
                            "main", will establish a connection to "https://chewbbaca.online/",
                            "tutorial" to "https://tutorial.chewbbaca.online/" and "local" to
                            "" (localhost). Users may also provide
                            the IP address to other Chewie-NS instances (default: main).

--continue_up               (Optional) Check if the schema upload was interrupted and attempt
                            to continue upload (default: False).