CreateSchema - Create a gene-by-gene schema

What is a Schema and how is it defined

A Schema is a pre-defined set of loci that is used in MLST analyses. Traditional MLST schemas relied in 7 loci that were internal fragments of housekeeping genes and each locus was defined by its amplification by a pair of primers yielding a fragment of a defined size.

In genomic analyses, schemas are a set of loci that are:

  • Present in the majority of strains for core genome (cg) MLST schemas, typically a threshold of presence in 95% of the strains is used in schema creation. The assumption is that in each strain up to 5% of loci may not be identified due to sequencing coverage problems, assembly problems or other issues related to the use of draft genome assemblies.

  • Present in at least one of the analyzed strains in the schema creation for pan genome/whole genome (pg/wg) MLST schemas.

  • Present in less than 95% of the strains for accessory genome (ag) MLST schemas.

It is important to consider that these definitions are always operational in nature, in the sense that the analyses are performed on a limited number of strains representing part of the biological diversity of a given species or genus and are always dependent on the definition of thresholds.

In most cg/wg/pg/ag MLST schemas, contrary to MLST schemas, each locus corresponds to a coding sequence (CDS). However, depending on the allele calling algorithm, the alleles called for a given locus can be CDSs or best matches to existing CDSs without enforcing the need for the identified allele to be a CDS.

In chewBBACA, schemas are composed of loci defined by CDSs and, by default, all the called alleles of a given locus are CDSs as defined by Prodigal (for chewBBACA<=3.2.0) or Pyrodigal (for chewBBACA>=3.3.0) (it is also possible to provide FASTA files with CDSs and the --cds parameter to skip the gene prediction step with Prodigal). The use of Prodigal or Pyrodigal, instead of simply ensuring the presence of start and stop codons, adds an extra layer of confidence in identifying the most probable CDS for each allele. Because of this approach there may be variability in the size of the alleles identified by chewBBACA and by default a threshold of +/-20% of the mode of the size of the alleles of a given locus is used to identify a locus as present.

Create a wgMLST schema

Given a set of genome assemblies in FASTA format, chewBBACA offers the option to create a new schema by defining the distinct loci present in the genomes.

The schema creation algorithm has the following main steps:

  • Gene predictipon with Prodigal followed by coding sequence (CDS) extraction to create FASTA files that contain all CDSs extracted from the inputs. (there is also the option to provide FASTA files with CDSs and the --cds parameter to skip the gene prediction step with Prodigal).

  • Identification of the distinct CDSs (chewBBACA stores information about the distinct CDSs and the genomes that contain those CDSs in a hashtable with the mapping between CDS SHA-256 and list of unique integer identifiers for the inputs that contain each CDS compressed with polyline encoding adapted from numcompress).

  • Exclusion of the CDSs smaller than the value passed to the --l parameter (default: 201).

  • Translation of distinct CDSs that were not an exact match in the previous step (This step identifies and excludes CDSs that contain ambiguous bases).

  • Protein deduplication to identify the distinct set of proteins and keep information about the inputs that contain CDSs that encode each distinct protein (hashtable with mapping between protein SHA-256 and list of unique integer identifiers for the distinct CDSs encoded with polyline encoding).

  • Minimizer-based clustering. The distinct proteins are sorted in order of decreasing length and clustered based on the percentage of shared distinct minimizers (default >= 20%, interior minimizers selected based on lexicographic order, k=5, w=5). The first protein is chosen as representative of the first cluster and a new cluster is defined each time a protein cannot be added to any of the previously defined clusters based on the percentage of minimizers shared with the cluster repsentatives.

  • Exclude proteins that share >=90% minimizers with cluster representatives (we assume that these sequences represent alleles for the same gene and only keep one representative per gene).

  • Exclude proteins that share >=90% minimizers with other proteins in the same cluster (a cluster might include sequences from multiple genes and we want to keep only one representative sequence per gene).

  • Align proteins in each cluster with BLASTp to select a set of representative proteins per cluster based on the BLAST Score Ratio (BSR) computed for each alignment.

  • Align the selected representatives for all clusters with BLASTp to identify and exclude representative proteins that are highly similar (default: BSR >= 0.6) to other representative proteins. The remaining set of proteins is not considered highly similar based on the clustering or alignment approach and constitutes the schema seed.

  • Create the schema seed directory structure with one FASTA file per representative CDS (proteins are converted back into DNA). The schema seed can be used to perform allele calling.

Basic Usage

$ CreateSchema -i /path/to/InputAssembliesFolder -o /path/to/OutputFolder --n SchemaName --ptf /path/to/ProdigalTrainingFile --cpu 4


You should adjust the value passed to the --cpu parameter based on the specifications of your machine. chewBBACA will automatically adjust the value if it matches or exceeds the number of available CPU cores.


The use of a prodigal training file for schema creation is highly recommended.


-i, --input-files           (Required) Path to the directory that contains the input FASTA files
                            or to a file with a list of full paths to FASTA files, one per line.

-o, --output-directory      (Required) Output directory where the process will store intermediate
                            files and create the schema's directory.

--n, --schema-name          (Optional) Name given to the schema folder (default: schema_seed).

--ptf, --training-file      (Optional) Path to the Prodigal training file used by Pyrodigal to predict
                            genes and added to the schema folder (default: None).

--bsr, --blast-score-ratio  (Optional) BLAST Score Ratio (BSR) value. The BSR is computed for each
                            BLASTp alignment and aligned sequences with a BSR >= than the defined
                            value are considered to be alleles of the same gene (default: 0.6).

--l, --minimum-length       (Optional) Minimum sequence length value. Predicted coding sequences (CDSs)
                            shorter than this value are excluded (default: 201).

--t, --translation-table    (Optional) Genetic code used to predict genes and to translate coding
                            sequences (CDSs) (default: 11).

--st, --size-threshold      (Optional) Coding sequence (CDS) size variation threshold. Added to the
                            schema's config file to identify alleles with a size that deviates from
                            the locus length mode during the allele calling process (default: 0.2).

--cpu, --cpu-cores          (Optional) Number of CPU cores that will be used to run the process (chewie
                            resets to a lower value if it is equal to or exceeds the total number of
                            available CPU cores)(default: 1).

--b, --blast-path           (Optional) Path to the directory that contains the BLAST executables (default:
                            assumes BLAST executables were added to PATH).

--pm, --prodigal-mode       (Optional) Prodigal running mode ("single" for finished genomes, reasonable
                            quality draft genomes and big viruses. "meta" for metagenomes, low quality
                            draft genomes, small viruses, and small plasmids) (default: single).

--cds, --cds-input          (Optional) If provided, chewBBACA skips the gene prediction step and assumes
                            the input FASTA files contain coding sequences (default: False).

--no-cleanup                (Optional) If provided, intermediate files generated during process execution
                            are not deleted at the end (default: False).


If you provide the --cds-input parameter, chewBBACA assumes that the input FASTA files contain coding sequences and skips the gene prediction step with Prodigal. To avoid issues related with the format of the sequence headers, chewBBACA renames the sequence headers based on the unique basename prefix determined for each input file and on the order of the coding sequences (e.g.: coding sequences inside a file named GCF_000007125.1_ASM712v1_cds_from_genomic.fna are renamed to GCF_000007125-protein1, GCF_000007125-protein2, …, GCF_000007125-proteinN).


├── SchemaName
│   ├── short
│   │   ├── GenomeID_proteinN_short.fasta
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── GenomeID_proteinN_short.fasta
│   ├── GenomeID_proteinN.fasta
│   ├── ...
│   ├── GenomeID_proteinN.fasta
│   └── Training_file.trn
├── invalid_cds.txt
└── cds_coordinates.tsv
  • One FASTA file per distinct gene identified in the schema creation process in the OutputFolderName/SchemaName directory. The name attributed to each FASTA file in the schema is based on the genome of origin of the representative allele chosen for that gene and on the order of gene prediction (e.g.: GCA-000167715-protein12.fasta, first allele for the gene was identified in a genome assembly with the prefix GCA-000167715 and the gene was the 12th gene predicted by Prodigal in that assembly).

  • The OutputFolderName/SchemaName directory also contains a directory named short that includes FASTA files with the representative alleles for each locus.

  • The training file passed to create the schema is also included in OutputFolderName/SchemaName and will be automatically detected during the allele calling process.

  • The cds_coordinates.tsv file contains the coordinates (genome unique identifier, contig identifier, start position, stop position, protein identifier attributed by chewBBACA, and coding strand (chewBBACA<=3.2.0 assigns 1 to the forward strand and 0 to the reverse strand and chewBBACA>=3.3.0 assigns 1 and -1 to the forward and reverse strands, respectively)) of the CDSs identified in each genome.

  • The invalid_cds.txt file contains the list of alleles predicted by Prodigal that were excluded based on the minimum sequence size value and presence of ambiguous bases.