DownloadSchema - Download a schema from Chewie-NS

Compressed versions of every schema in the Chewie-NS are available for download through the Chewie-NS public website or through the /species/{species_id}/schemas/{schema_id}/zip API endpoint in Swagger or with a simple curl command (e.g.: curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json"). You can also take advantage of the integration with the chewBBACA suite and use the script.


Compressed versions are ZIP archives that contain ready-to-use schemas. Simply extract and you can start performing allele calls using chewBBACA.


Chewie-NS generates new compressed versions of each schema every 24h, if the schemas were updated since the last compression date. This means that the compressed version is not always the latest. If that is the case, the integration with chewBBACA allows to quickly update your local version with the latest information by using the SyncSchema module.

To download a schema with chewBBACA, it is necessary to provide:

  • The ID of the species that the schema is associated with and the ID of the schema.

    • To know the ID of a species you can consult the Overview table in the Chewie-NS public website, query the /species/list API endpoint through Swagger, or a simple curl command (e.g.: curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json"). To know the ID of the schema you want to download, you can click the SCHEMA DETAILS button in the Overview table to get a list with all the schemas and their IDs for a given species, query the /species/{species_id} API endpoint through Swagger, or a simple curl command (e.g.: curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json"). Alternatively, you can use the NSStats process in the chewBBACA suite to get information about species and schemas in the Chewie-NS

    • e.g.: species ID = 9 and schema ID = 1.

  • Path to the output directory that will store the schema.

    • If the directory does not exist, the process will create it (will not create parent directories that do not exist). If the directory exists, it must be empty or the process will exit without downloading the schema.

chewBBACA provides the option to download a schema snapshot at a given date. The date should be in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss (e.g.: 2020-06-30T19:10:37). It also allows users to request the latest version of a schema (--latest), if the compressed version that is available is outdated. An alternative and more efficient approach that can be applied to get the latest version of the schema is to download the compressed version available and run the SyncSchema process to retrieve the alleles that were added to the schema after the creation of the compressed file.


The DownloadSchema process will download the compressed version that is available by default. If the provided date matches the date of the latest compressed version, it will download the compressed version, otherwise it will download the FASTA files and construct the schema locally.


It is strongly advised that users adjust the value of the --cpu argument if they antecipate that the process will have to construct the schema locally. Schema adaptation is relatively fast but will greatly benefit if it can distribute work to several CPU cores.

Basic Usage

To download a schema of Escherichia coli we need to provide the ID of the species and the ID of the schema that we want to download:

$ DownloadSchema -sp 9 -sc 1 -o path/to/DownloadFolder

To download a snapshot of the schema at a given date:

$ DownloadSchema -sp 9 -sc 1 -o path/to/DownloadFolder --date 2020-06-30T19:10:37

To retrieve the latest version of the schema:

$ DownloadSchema -sp 9 -sc 1 -o path/to/DownloadFolder --latest


-sp, --species-id            (Required) The integer identifier or name of the species that the
                             schema is associated to in Chewie-NS.

-sc, --schema-id             (Required) The URI, integer identifier or name of the schema to download
                             from Chewie-NS.

-o, --download-folder        (Required) Output folder to which the schema will be saved.

--cpu, --cpu-cores           (Optional) Number of CPU cores/threads that will be used to run the process
                             (chewie resets to a lower value if it is equal to or exceeds the
                             total number of available CPU cores/threads). This value is only used
                             if it is necessary to construct the schema locally (default: 1).

--ns, --nomenclature-server  (Optional) The base URL for the Chewie-NS instance. The default
                             value, "main", will establish a connection to "",
                             "tutorial" to "" and "local" to
                             "" (localhost). Users may also provide
                             the IP address to other Chewie-NS instances (default: main).

--b, --blast-path            (Optional) Path to the directory that contains the BLAST executables (default: None).

--d, --date                  (Optional) Download schema with state from specified date. Must be
                             in the format "Y-m-dTH:M:S" (default: None).

--latest                     (Optional) If the compressed version that is available is not the
                             latest, downloads all loci and constructs schema locally (default: False).